AERA has commenced on the planned rebuild of our website through the appointment of a new Webmaster who will be tasked with undertaking the upgrade and providing a stronger web presence. AERA will be looking to change the website infrastructure and a refresh to the interface will also be completed during this process. AERA would like to welcome Chris Nichols to the role of Webmaster. Chris is also the QERA Webmaster and brings a lot of experience in both our sport and in web mastering to the role. It is expected that the upgrade will take 3-4 months and will provide us with a more modern and up to date look and feel. AERA welcomes Chris and looks forward to working with him to build a stronger social media presence.

AERA would like to express its gratitude and thanks to Talea Hasko-Stewart who has previously been doing our website updates. AERA has very much appreciated the assistance that Talea provided to us by assisting with website updates following a period of inactivity.