Getting Started

Horse Containment

Duty of Care with regard to horse containment at rides is the responsibility of the person or persons in charge of the horse. Ride organisers do their best to provide a ride base that is of sufficient size and design to conduct endurance events safely.

It is advisable for ride organizers to control how and where riders set up their camps. They should be set out in lines with ‘roadways’ left for easy access and exit. Horse yards will then alternate with vehicles and camps in rows, thus making it less likely for escaped horses to run through the yards of other horses and thus creating a mob of galloping, escaped horses, an extremely dangerous situation.

The ideal ride base is of sufficient size to adequately cater for the anticipated number of horses. Pre-nomination by riders is appreciated. It needs to be completely fenced with gates that can be kept closed, especially at night.

Horse yards are preferred to be of metal construction, substantially fixed to a solid object such as a horse trailer or truck or permanent fence. There are many designs available commercially, which are light to carry and easily put in place.

Electric fencing is allowed and needs to meet the following requirements. Two strands of tape are to be used, preferably white and a minimum of 1cm wide, with the top tape to be 1.2 to 1.4 metres above the ground. The posts used should be of substantial material (steel pickets) and installed so that the tape does not sag. The fence needs to be energized at all times the horse is using it.

Tethering or hobbling of horses is NOT allowed.

Dogs must be restrained at all times. Loose dogs risk impoundment and a fine.

This is a family oriented sport and families are welcome. However, parents will be held responsible for their children’s behaviour at all times. Bicycles, footballs and toys are to be kept well away from horses.

It is advisable to have a competent person supervising your horse while you are attending the pre-ride talk.